Announcement Coming Soon Event
Published on 20 February 2022 by William

Funko is taking advantage of the Funko Fair 2022 announcements to unveil the third (and penultimate) POP that makes up the Byers' house set in Stranger Things: 4 figures that fit together to recreate the Byers' living room in the real world and in the upside-down world. A perfect nod to the series and one of the scenes that lifted some of the mystery from the puzzles of the first season of Stranger Things.
This set named "Build A Scene" recreates one of the most mythical scenes of the very first season of Stranger Things. It consists of four POPs whose shadows left little doubt as to the characters chosen for the cast ... Funko had already unveiled the first two figures with Eleven in November 2021 and the Demogorgon in January 2022. So let's make room for the third character, who is located on the side of the upside down world and who is none other than the young Will Byers!
If Will is in the upside down world, it is because he is at the center of the plot of this season. Indeed, everything starts with his kidnapping and it is the investigations led in parallel by Will's family and friends who will try to lift the veil on the strange events taking place in the small town of Hawkins.
On this POP, Will is represented with a pale complexion as we discover him in the upside down world. He is wearing his clothes from the day of the kidnapping with his sneakers, coat and backpack. His eyes are marked by fatigue and cold as he is about to send a signal to his friends on the other side of the wall...
Fans of the series enjoy collecting POPs of their favorite characters. Funko has already made many versions of the figures, offering Supersized POPs of the creatures of the series, 8-Bits POPs reminding the retro style of the 80's or even more recently Black Light POPs reacting to black light. Now, we have one of the collector's masterpieces with this set of 4 POP.