1 Editing & Production

The pop-figures.com website is published by Media Chuma (France)
Company ID : 829 544 907
Responsible : Media Chuma
Contact : hello [at] figurines-pop.com

2 Hosting

The pop-figures.com website is hosted by OVH.
Adress : 2, rue Kellerman 59100 Roubaix France.
Phone number : 08 203 203 63

3 Intellectual property

Reproduction of the contents of this website, in whole or in part, is strictly forbidden without the written permission of the author. All other material contained on this site that does not belong to us (photos, text, images, logos, product or brand names, etc.) is the property of their respective owners.

Please note: pop-figures.com is a site independent of the Funko brand and is neither endorsed nor validated by Funko. It is a site that aims to share the passion of the Funko brand and its products in a way that is totally independent of Funko, with benevolence and respect for its intellectual property.

4 Collecte des données utilisateurs

The information collected when you use one or more of the services offered by the site is processed by computer in order to analyze the behavior and consumption choices of our users, with the aim of offering them the best possible service.

In accordance with current legislation, we publish all information relating to the collection of data, their use and your rights on the page Privacy Terms.

5 Limitation of liability

Despite our best efforts, some errors may occur in the pages of this site, particularly in information automatically updated by computer programs. You are free to notify us of any information which you consider to be incorrect at hello [at] figurines-pop.com, so that we can check and, if necessary, correct the error as soon as possible. Under no circumstances will the company publishing the site be held responsible for any erroneous information.

The site provides hypertext links (URLs) to websites published and/or hosted by third parties. Insofar as no control is exercised over these external resources, we advise you to examine the general conditions of use of these services. In no event shall the company publishing this site be held liable for the use of third-party sites and applications.

Finally, the site is not an online store. The offers presented on the site are those of partner merchants, and the site cannot be held responsible in the event of a purchase made via a partner site. In the event of a dispute relating to a transaction or any other action carried out on a partner site, you must refer directly to the merchant's general terms and conditions of sale to take action.

6 Affiliated links & Partners

The site participates in the affiliation programs of various merchant sites, either directly or via affiliation agencies. As such, the site may receive remuneration when you purchase a product on a partner merchant's site.

Please note: affiliation has no impact whatsoever on the final price paid for a purchase, as the remuneration is directly transmitted by the merchant in retribution for a sale made.

7 Questions & Contact

For any request, you can contact us via the Contact Page, or directly at : hello [at] figurines-pop.com