Announcement Coming Soon
Published on 25 September 2021 by Lola

The Black Lightning POP collection has so far been limited to one POP, the #344 superhero, but Funko has just unveiled 4 new figures from the series.
The Black Lightning series, which launched in 2018, features Jefferson Pierce, a former superhero who gave up his costume to preserve his family (and his life). The man with the ability to manipulate electricity will nevertheless have to return to duty in the face of crime that is increasingly eating away at his city...
If Jeff Pierce can manipulate electricity, project lightning and move quickly, he is not the only one with super powers since his two daughters also have "metahuman" abilities. Jennifer aka Lightning has similar powers to her father and Anissa aka Thunder is able to vary the density of her body to become indestructible or create shock waves!
For this first "real" wave of Black Lightning POPs, Funko is doing a complete tour of the main characters with a POP of each one. There is a POP of Black Lightning throwing lightning bolts, the POP of his worst enemy Tobias Whale as well as the POP of his two daughters in superhero outfits: Thunder and Lightning.
This announcement will please the fans who were waiting impatiently to be able to collect POPs from the Black Lightning series and suggests that others could follow...