Catwoman owns 15 POP figures in his effigy ! Important character of Batman: The Animated Series, it's a good bet that we'll see new figurines of Catwoman in the future. You can also complete your collection of POP action figures Batman: The Animated Series with other important characters since Funko also offers POPs of Manbat, of Mr. Freeze or also of Clayface.
All the POP of Catwoman

POP Selina Kyle on Motorcycle
The Batman
Selina Kyle est l’un des personnages principaux dans The Batman. Celle qui est aussi connue en tant que Catwoman fait la rencontre de Batman est va s’allier à ce dernier bien que leurs missions d
See the POP
POP Selina Kyle
The Batman
Selina Kyle alias Catwoman fait son apparition sous les traits de Zoë Kravitz dans le film The Batman réalisé par Matt Reeves. Contrairement à la trilogie The Dark Knight, Catwoman devient très r
See the POPMore information about the action figures of Catwoman
The first figurine with the effigy of Catwoman came out in June 2012, it was the one of POP Catwoman while the last figurine Funko put on sale for this character is Selina Kyle on Motorcycle (came out in January 2022). Among all the figures of Catwoman there is not (yet) any chase POP.
On the price side, the most expensive POP of Catwoman 💰 (according to our estimation) is Catwoman, estimated at 70.00$. On the opposite side, the cheapest POP of Catwoman 🤑, estimated at 8.00$ is Catwoman.