Announcement Coming Soon
Published on 29 June 2021 by Ugo

As the Marvel superhero is about to be the center of his own mini-series (like WandaVision or Falcon and the Winter Soldier), Funko offers a POP featuring this Avenger to keep fans waiting and genre purists happy!
The story of this superhero is somewhat different from the others. While he doesn't have unlimited funds like Iron Man to create ultra-technological weapons, he also hasn't developed superpowers like the Hulk or Spider-Man, but draws his talents from his training!
Hawkeye's real name is Clint Barton. A circus archer, Hawkeye trains to become a superhero and protect the population. Between life of misery and petty crime, he meets Black Widow who will save him and put him back on the right track before he joins the Avengers team to fight Thanos...
Funko has chosen to represent Hawkeye in his purple and blue costume, as we discover him in the comics. He is of course equipped with his bow and is about to shoot an arrow in the heart of his target.