Announcement Coming Soon
Published on 01 December 2021 by William

A new Superman POP? Yes but not just any POP, find out why this Funko ad is actually an exceptional POP! First of all, because it's a duo pack of Lois and Superman (Clark Kent). Second, because the two are shown in mid-air, reminding us of the magical moment Superman gives Lois by dragging her along with him. And finally, because this POP of Superman and Lois is from the very first movie released in 1978!
If you are a fan of DC, and more particularly of Superman, then these three arguments and the result of the POP can only convince you to make it a centerpiece of your collection. We discover Clark / Supeman under the features of the actor Christopher Reeve (while Lois Lane is played by the actress Margot Kidder).
The 1978 Superman is the very first feature film devoted to the superhero of Metropolis. It was in this film that Superman became a resounding success and gradually became one of the main superheroes. The film traces the story of his origins, from his "adoption" by Jonathan and Martha Kent to his fight against Lex Luthor, including the history of his planet Krypton and his real name "Kal-El". It is in a way the movie that is the starting point for all future adaptations, from Zack Znyder's movies to the Smallville series!
For the occasion, Funko is not mistaken in proposing a POP with the most romantic scene of the movie as Superman drags Lois Lane in the sky of Metropolis... We find the superhero in his blue (tight) outfit, with the "S" on his chest and the red cape floating on his back. On her side, Lois is simply wearing a blue dress, her hair is perfectly styled and her eyes show her wonder.
So, will you fly away with Lois and Clark?